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40L 50L kislorod/argon/geliy/CO2 gazi C2h4 Ga /Sf6 oltingugurt geksaflorid gazi/ CF4/Co Eo metan etan gazi ballonga toʻldirish

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The AGEM’S 40L and 50L Gas Cylinder are a perfect solution for all your gas filling needs. These cylinders are specially designed to carry and store various gases like Oxygen, Argon, Helium, CO2, C2h4 Ga, Sf6 Sulfur Hexafluoride Gas, CF4, Co Eo Methane Ethane Gas.


Whether you are looking for industrial gas supply or for personal use, these AGEM’S cylinders will come in handy for all your gas needs. These cylinders come in a compact design and are easy to transport and store. The sturdy construction of these cylinders makes them durable and long-lasting, ensuring you always have a reliable source of gas at your disposal.


The 40L and 50L sizes of these cylinders make them perfect for a wide range of applications. They can be used in medical facilities for oxygen and anesthesia supply, in welding and metal fabrication for shielding gases, and for scientific research. The cylinders can also be used in laboratories for storing and transporting various gases.


The AGEM’S Gas Cylinder is manufactured using high-quality materials, ensuring you receive a safe and reliable product. They come with a valve that allows you to control the flow of gas, making them safe to use and transport. The valve is easy to operate, and the cylinder can be refilled with gas as per your requirements.


The AGEM’S Gas Cylinder comes in a range of sizes, including 40L and 50L. Each cylinder is labeled with the type of gas it contains, making it easy to identify. The AGEM cylinder is also designed to withstand high pressure and adverse conditions, making them suitable for various industries

The AGEM’S Gas Cylinder is an essential product for anyone who requires a reliable and safe source of gas. Whether you need it for industrial use or personal use, AGEM has you covered. So, why wait? Get your AGEM’S Gas Cylinder today and ensure you always have a reliable source of gas when you need it

Mahsulot Ta'rif
Sf6 What SF6 Does Good electrical insulation and arc suppression performance Because of its electronegativity, arc extinguishing capacity is about 100 times air, especially suitable for high voltage, high current equipment on-off processes
Elektron sinf Yaxshi narx 5N 99999 Sof geliy
Mahsulot nomi :
99.999%, 5N
CAS raqami
EINECS raqami
Molar massasi
BMT raqami:
Xavf sinfi
Tashqi ko'rinishi:
Paket va etkazib berish
Shiling hajmi
DOT/50 L

CGA 580/DISS 718/JIS W21-14L/BS 341 NO.3/DIN477 NO.6
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Savol-javob mamlakat. 1. Gaz sifatini qanday tekshirish kerak A: Birinchidan, bizning jamoamiz ichidagi silindrni toza va quruq bo'lishini ta'minlash uchun gazni to'ldirishdan oldin silindrlarni tozalash, tozalash, quritish, vakumlash, nasos va almashtirishni amalga oshiradi. ichidagi silindr toza va quruq ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling Uchinchidan, biz silindrlarga to'ldirgandan so'ng gazni tahlil qilamiz va COA (sertifikat) bilan ta'minlaymiz. Tahlil) 2. Barcha tsilindrlarni qayta ishlash mumkinmi A: Odatda choksiz po'latdan yasalgan silindrlarning ishlash muddati 7 yildan ortiq, bir martalik silindrlarni faqat bir marta ishlatish mumkin. 10. Ballonlarni Xitoyga qaytarib yuborish va gazni to'ldirish mumkinmi? A: Ha, kompaniyangizda gaz tugashi bilan siz bo'sh ballonlarni qaytarib yuborishingiz va gazni to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Eksport qilishdan oldin bizga xabar berishingiz kerak, biz Xitoyda silindrlarni bojxona rasmiylashtiruvi bilan shug'ullanamiz. 3. Silindrlar va Valf standarti mavjud A: Tsilindr DOT-4AA ISO20, GB5, TC-6AAM. EN3, KGS klapan: DISS, CGA, DIN, BS, AFNOR, JIS. 9809. Boshqa umumiy yukim bilan LCL qilsam bo'ladimi A: Mahsulotlarimiz 5099 darajali DG yukiga tegishli va DG yuki bilan jo'natilishi kerak, agar umumiy yuk sifatida jo'natish noqonuniy bo'lsa, biz DG yukini yuk tashish kompaniyasidan buyurtma qilishimiz kerak, agar sizda bo'lsa. boshqa keng tarqalgan mahsulotlar, siz yukga qo'yishingiz va DG yuk sifatida yuborishingiz mumkin
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