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Yuqori sifatli gaz oqimi o'lchagichi Absorber kislorod bosimi regulyatori Oqim o'lchagich bosim o'lchagich bosimni pasaytiradigan valf regulyatori O'zbekiston

  • haqida umumiy ma'lumot
  • so'rov
  • Shu Mahsulotlar
Mahsulot Ta'rif
An oxygen inhaler is mainly composed of a pressure gauge, a pressure reducing valve and a safety valve, a flow meter, a flow
control valve, and a moisture bottle. The high-pressure oxygen is decompressed through the pressure reducing valve, from the
original high-pressure oxygen to low-pressure oxygen, and then enters the humidification bottle through the flow meter. After the
dehydration treatment, it is output from the low-pressure oxygen output port at a constant flow value for oxygen inhalation by the
patient. The value size is adjusted by the flow controller

It is mainly used in the oxygen supply system, which is used by emergency oxygen and oxygen inhalation; it can also used in the
flow control devices of scientific research institutions, industrial, mining and other inhalation Pressure Reducing Valve: The
theme of the pressure reducing valve made of brass, high toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, better sealing safety
Fine Pressure Gauge: the pressure gauge is made of high quality glass, thick and anti-fall design, clear scale and high
sensitivity Gas Filter: double protection, more energy efficient, more economical, safer to use; Precision machining is used to
ensure the machining accuracy of each part Tide Bottle: Removable and washable, more hygienic. Built-in filter to prevent
impurities from entering.
Tibbiy kislorod regulyatori
Kalit so'zlar
Kislorod oqimi o'lchagich
Ishlab chiqaruvchi mamlakat; ta'minotchi mamlakat
Tibbiy asboblar tasnifi
Sinf I
Kafolat xizmati
1 yil
Sotishdan keyingi xizmat
Onlayn texnik yordam
Net Og'irligi
0.8 kg
Moviy va yashil va oq
4 sinf
Exit Pressure(MPa)
0.2-0.3 MPa
Transport paketi
Polybag, Inner Boxcarton andWooden Pallet
savdo belgisi
xbfm/ OEM
HS kodi
Nima uchun bizni tanlashimiz kerak
Biz haqimizda