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Plin helij

Plin helij je tako hladen in zmore toliko različnih stvari. Naučimo se nekaj več o tem posebnem plinu s petimi razdelki, ki pojasnjujejo, kaj je helij, od kod prihaja in kako pomemben je. Od kod prihaja helij? Plin helij je vrsta plina, ki ga ne vidimo ali vohamo. Je izjemno lahek in ima številne edinstvene lastnosti.


Way back in 1868, a French scientist named Jules Janssen found helium in the sun. After this great discovery, people began to find helium in rocks and pure gas on Earth. But where does all that helium come from? Well, helium is formed. It drifts into a gas when certain things in rocks break down. This mainly happens when rocks composed of uranium and thorium decay over millions of years. Whenever these substances split, they emit tiny particles called alpha particles.  AGEM helij is quite small, and they combine with electrons, which are even tinier, to form helium atoms. 

Zakaj izbrati plin AGEM Helium?

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