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Lazerli gaz

Lazer gazi - bu turli xil texnologiyalarda lazer ilovalari sifatida yordam beradigan gazning belgilangan turi. Siz buni ko'rmasligingiz yoki o'ylamasligingiz juda aqldan ozgan, lekin bola bu juda muhim. Lazer gazi karbonat angidrid gazlari yoki azot kabi alohida bit va qismlardan iborat. Gazlarning bu noyob pishirilishi yorug'likning juda g'ayrioddiy tozaligi va ravonligini hosil qiladi. Bu noyob AGEM gaz kalibrlash uskunalari ko'plab kundalik ilovalarga ega.  

Zamonaviy sanoatni quvvatlaydigan ko'p qirrali birikma

There are so many places where laser gas is used, and it contributes in a very big way to countless industries. Manufacturing is one of the largest locations for laser gas usage. Machines in manufacturing often use lasers for the purpose of a laser gas is required to enable these machines to function correctly. The machines make all of our things using high quality product with the target gas. Another sector where laser gas is significant is in the medical industry. The stuff helps doctors and surgeons carry out surgeries by allowing them to remove tumors, fix eye issues and even heal wounds. These medical procedures also involve with specific AGEM laser gas to enhance security and effectiveness. 

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