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Cryogenic dewars are important devices that have applications in the handling and storage of very cold materials like cells, tissues or other biological samples used for scientific research. These are special types of containers which can rehydrate and retain the temperature below zero to keep your sample safe in all kinds of conditions during the experiments or study.

The most significant benefit of using cryogenic dewars is the fact that it keeps samples at tip top quality over a long period. Maintained at cryogenic temperatures, biomass samples can stay viable for much longer than they would under normal storage conditions. This is especially vital for rare or important samples, which could be difficult to replace should they go lost or suffer damage.

Furthermore, when storing with cryogenic dewars samples are kept under an even environment for optimum long- term storage. Having a steady temperature inside the dewar allows researchers to safely say that every sample is being stored at the same conditions. This ensures that results are being collected in a uniform manner and removes all extraneous variables (outside things which could alter the result of an experiment) out, thus keeping data more accurate and reliable.

    Latest Innovations in Cryogenic Dewars Technology

    New innovations are continually being developed in the field of cryogenic dewars, providing state-of-the-art advancements to improve their effectiveness and performance. A recent advancement in this sector includes the use of superconductors, which aim to improve dewars even further.

    Superconducting crynogenic dewars utilize a combination of liquid helium and active cryocoolers to be able to reach such low temperatures. This technology has many advantages over traditional dewars, cooling at a much faster rate while maintaining precise temperature control that utilizes less energy.

    One more interesting development in cryogenic dewars technology is application of RFID (radio-frequency identification) tags for sample tracking and monitoring. These tags are small enough to be attached directly onto individual samples and provide real-time information the sample's location, whether is has experienced excessive temperatures in transit or storage. The system tracks samples to ensure they are handled and stored under the appropriate conditions, providing researchers with information that can be used for future experimentation.

    Why choose AGEM cryogenic dewars?

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