Among all of these industries, one such technology which has resulted in a massive transformation is – Excimer AGEM Excimer Laser Gas/Arf Premix Gas. In many ways, this advanced technology - based on excimer laser gas - is setting the stage for breakthroughs in surface cleaning processes and further propelling contemporary entropy in medical devices manufacturing.
Excimer laser gas cleaning has become the most formidable advantage of surface treatment. Exposure to the energy source causes chemically-active species new-surface treatments, notable for their small surface residues and complete lack of post-processing byproducts; non-reactive gas is added which results in a flow of excimer laser gas. This process, also called laser ablation is not only extremely accurate and repeatable it is like all I hung up efficient so perfect for intricate complex shapes.
After all, the technologies behind excimer laser gas are truly a work of science. Ablation with excimer lasers (short-pulse, high-energy ultraviolet [UV] light) offers controlled breakdown of matter. As soon as the laser hits the surface, material is vaporized without any damage to surrounding area. Any reactions that could potentially be harmful are pre-empted by the non-reactive gas in the mix, keeping everything under control at all times.
The introduction of excimer laser AGEM Plinska jeklenka technology has caused wide-reaching changes in the semiconductor industry, especially as it pertains to photolithography. This is a crucial step as light used to print features of computer chips with a mask on. The short wavelength and high energy density of excimer lasers are well-suited for the creation of complex micro/musicale patterns with fine features.
The Greatest Use of Excimer Laser Gas Technology Recently. There have been exciting applications for excimer laser gas technology in the field of medical device manufacturing over recent years. Medical devices require cleanliness and precision unrivaled in the rest of manufacturing. Any device cannot be developed if the surface is not clean. Fully compatible with ISO 10993 testing, excimer laser AGEM plinske jeklenke technology offers a safe and reliable approach to deep cleaning medical device surfaces which leaves product types unharmed for maximal effectiveness without harm.
In addition, excimer laser gas can also be involved in the manufacture of medical devices. The accuracy of excimer lasers is achieved by creating the tiny small scale highlights that are vital for gadgets like stents or implantable devices. These small areas in addition to the quick exposure time of laser enables devices production and fabrication under a sterile environment, which is essential for an contamination free devices.
AGEM ponuja različne kriogene jeklenke za hlajenje zelo ohlajenih plinov in tekočin, kot sta tekoči kisik in argon. Lahko sprejmejo tudi dušik, ogljikov dioksid in dušik. Prednosti AGEM-a so: Uporabljamo uvožene visokokakovostne ventile in instrumente, da zagotovimo visoko zmogljivost. Uporablja se naprava za varčevanje s plinom in plin nadtlaka plina ima prednost znotraj območja plinske faze. Dvojni varnostni ventili so učinkovit način za zagotavljanje varnega delovanja. Nudimo več kriogenih jeklenk, ki lahko zadržijo običajne super ohlajene tekočine, ki jih lahko izberete: Polna prostornina: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L/500L/1000L Delovni tlak : 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaNačrtovana temperatura notranjega rezervoarja: (-196Načrtovana temperatura ohišja rezervoarja: med -20oC in 50oC. Izolacija: vakuum z uporabo večslojnega ovitega medija: LO2, LN2, LAr, LCO2, LNG
For Excimer laser gas, leaking gas is one of the biggest issues, which is why we conduct the leak testing more than five times in order to guarantee the quality. We have a fully-functional production line with a strict quality control, and a comprehensive system of after-sales services. This guarantees that our clients receive top quality products. We are proud of our dedication to excellence and customer service. Our highly skilled professionals are always available to assist you and ensure that your requirements are fulfilled. Our 24/7 service sets us apart. We are available to our customers all the time.
AGEM se zaveda, da različne stranke zahtevajo različne stvari na področju posebnih plinov, kot so kalibracijski plini. Ponujamo prilagojene rešitve, ki so prilagojene potrebam naših strank. Ko potrebujete določeno količino čistosti, velikost jeklenke ali možnost pakiranja, lahko AGEM sodeluje z vami, da svoje izdelke prilagodi vašim natančnim zahtevam. Ta stopnja prilagajanja vam zagotavlja najboljše plinske jeklenke za umerjanje vaše aplikacije, izboljšanje splošne učinkovitosti in delovanja. Linija izdelkov AGEM ni omejena na kalibracijske pline. Katalog AGEM zajema ogljikovodike, haloogljikovodike, kemične pline in redke pline. Lahko ste prepričani, da ima AGEM plin, ki ga potrebujete.
AGEM je obrat za proizvodnjo plina ter raziskave in razvoj s sedežem v Tajvanu z več kot 25-letnim obsežnim znanjem o raziskavah in razvoju na tem področju ter edinstvenimi izkušnjami na področju posebnih elektronskih plinov v razsutem stanju, kalibracije in posebnih plinov po vsem svetu v 6 različnih regijah: Tajvan - Mesto Kaohsiung (sedež, center za raziskave in razvoj) Indija - Mumbaj, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, Delhi Kitajska - Wuhan Bližnji vzhod - Dubaj in Kraljevina Savdska Arabija Združeno kraljestvo - Rešitve CambridgeGas, ki jih ponujamo, vključujejo tehnično svetovanje. Sestavljanje in zagon. Testiranje vzorcev. Pakiranje in pošiljanje. Oblikovanje risb. Proizvodnja.