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Стандарт DOT TC тодорхойлолт Өндөр даралтын цилиндр

ЗАГВАР үзүүлэлт нь Үйлчилгээний дарамт диаметр нь өндөр
UNISO or DOT-3AA psig (бар) ин.(мм) ин.(мм)
20 CF UN ISO 9809-1DOT-3AA2015 2,234(154) 2,015(139) 5.2(133) 5.2(133) 14.8(375) 14.8(375)
40 CF UN ISO 9809-1DOT-3AA2015 2,234(154) 2,015(139) 7.0(178) 7.0(178) 17.9(455) 17.3(439)
55 CF UN ISO 9809-1DOT-3AA2015 2,234(154) 2,015(139) 7.0(178) 7.0(178) 23.2(590) 22.5(572)
80 CF UN ISO 9809-1DOT-3AA2015 2,234(154) 2,015(139) 7.0(178) 7.0(178) 32.1(815) 31.0(787)
  • Тойм
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Бүтээгдэхүүний тодорхойлолт
DOT High Pressure Cylinders our quality DOT high pressure, seamless steel cylinders are widely used for shipping, storing, and dispensing industrial gases. Our high pressure cylinders are fabricated from chromium-molybdenum steel and produced in strict compliance with all applicable DOT/TC specifications. In order to keep our exceptionally high level of quality control, closely monitors incoming materials for chemistry, grain size, and freedom from laps, seams, cracks, and inclusions. Our DOT cylinders are manufactured by several methods including plate drawn and hot billet pierce, which produces a seamless cylinder with the bottom integral to the sides. For other available sizes or customization options, please contact US for more information.
үзүүлэлт нь
Үйлчилгээний дарамт
диаметр нь

psig (бар)
in (мм)
in (мм)
20 CF
UN ISO 9809-1    DOT-3AA2015
2,234 (154)        2,015 (139)
5.2 (133)
5.2 (133)
14.8 (375)
14.8 (375)
40 CF
UN ISO 9809-1 
2,234 (154)
 2,015 (139)
7.0 (178) 
7.0 (178)
17.9 (455)
17.3 (439)
55 CF
UN ISO 9809-1
2,234 (154)
 2,015 (139)
7.0 (178) 
7.0 (178)
23.2 (590)
22.5 (572)
80 CF
UN ISO 9809-1
2,234 (154) 
2,015 (139)
7.0 (178)
 7.0 (178)
32.1 (815) 
31.0 (787)
125 CF
UN ISO 9809-1
2,524 (174) 
2,265 (156)
7.0 (178) 
7.0 (178)
42.7 (1,085)
41.7 (1,060)
150 CF
UN ISO 9809-1
2,234 (154) 
2,015 (139)
7.4 (188)
7.4 (188)
46.3 (1,175)
46.1 (1,170)
250 CF
UNISO 9809-1
2,524 (174) 
2,265 (156)
9.0 (229) 
9.1 (232)
51.6 (1,310) 
50.4 (1,280)
300 CF
UNIS0 9809-1 DOT3AA2400
2.669 (184) 
2,400 (166)
9.3 (235) 
9.1 (232)
55.5 (1,410) 
56.5 (1)
45L 310 BAR
UNIS0 9809-2
4,496 (310)
9.4 (239)
50.8 (1,290)
68L (100LB CO2)
2,175 (150)
10.5 (267)
58.7 (1,491)
82.5L (125LB CO2)
2,175 (150)
10.5 (267)
 70.5 (1,791)
Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder details
Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder details

Асуулт 1. MOQ гэж юу вэ? Х: Нэг цилиндрээс 2. Хүргэлтийн хугацаа гэж юу вэ? Х: Бид хадгаламж хүлээн авснаас хойш 7-10 хоногийн дараа бид агаарын тээвэрлэлтийг захиалсны дараа үйлчлүүлэгчдэд хүргэх нийт хугацааг мэдэж болно. 3. Хийн чанарыг хэрхэн шалгах вэ? Х: Нэгдүгээрт, манай багийнхан цилиндрийн боловсруулалтыг (цилиндрийг цэвэр, хуурай байлгахын тулд хий дүүргэхээс өмнө цэвэрлэх, хатаах, вакумжуулах, шахах, солих) хийх болно. цэвэр, хуурай. Гуравдугаарт, бид цилиндрт дүүргэсний дараа хийд дүн шинжилгээ хийж, COA (Шинжилгээний гэрчилгээ) -ээр хангана. 4. Бүх цилиндрийг дахин боловсруулах боломжтой юу? Х: Ихэвчлэн оёдолгүй ган цилиндрийн ашиглалтын хугацаа 20 жилээс илүү байдаг, нэг удаагийн цилиндрийг зөвхөн нэг удаа ашиглах боломжтой. 5. Бид баллоныг Хятад руу буцаан илгээж, хий цэнэглэх боломжтой юу? Хариулт: Тийм ээ, танай компани шатахууны хомсдолд орсон үед та хоосон цилиндрийг буцааж илгээж, бензинээ дүүргэж болно. Та экспортлохын өмнө бидэнд мэдэгдэхэд л хангалттай, бид Хятад дахь цилиндрийн гаалийн цэвэрлэгээг хариуцах болно. 6.Цилиндр ба хавхлагын стандарт А: Цилиндр DOT-3AA ISO9809, GB5099, TC-3AAM. EN1964, KGS хавхлага: DISS, CGA, DIN, BS, AFNOR, JIS. 7. Би бусад нийтлэг ачаатайгаа LCL хийж болох уу? Х: Манай бүтээгдэхүүн нь 2.2 түвшний DG ачаанд хамаарах бөгөөд DG ачаагаар тээвэрлэх ёстой, хэрэв тээвэрлэлт нь энгийн ачаа бол энэ нь хууль бус, бид DG ачааг тээврийн компаниас захиалах ёстой, хэрэв танд өөр нийтлэг бүтээгдэхүүн байгаа бол та ачаанд хийж болно. DG ачаагаар илгээнэ үү.
Бидний тухай
Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder details
Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder supplier

Брэнд: AGEM

Releasing the AGEM Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder, a dependable and solution that is durable those buying pressure cylinder that is top-quality. The AGEM High Pressure Cylinder delivers performance this is certainly excellent all DOT TC specification needs whether you may want a cylinder for industrial, medical, or research that is medical.

This Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder constructed from top-notch materials, ensuring a prolonged lifespan performance this is certainly reliable. The cylinder is performed from aluminum, a lightweight and material this is certainly corrosion resistant. The cylinder was created to withstand high-pressure applications with ease and therefore works extremely well for forms of gases, including air, nitrogen, and also other medical gases.

The AGEM Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder is established for effortless storage and transportation. The cylinder is sold with a valve that'll be closed firmly whenever not being used, preventing gas leaks and safety this is certainly ensuring. The cylinder can be high in a restriction this is certainly damage that is protective transportation.

Among advantages which are many experiences of AGEM Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder is its flexibility. The cylinder is built to meet all DOT TC specification needs, which makes it perfect to be utilized within various applications. This might allow it to be an investment that is exceptional that require a dependable and pressure cylinder that is durable.

Moreover, the AGEM Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder an easy task to take advantage of. It features an instruction this is certainly obvious guides an individual through the utilization that is proper of. The cylinder's valve can be designed for easy use, that creates it simple to get in touch and disconnect the cylinder through the equipment.

Together with the AGEM Standard DOT TC Specification High Pressure Cylinder, you'll be confident you are meant to be spending in something which satisfies each of the security this is certainly standards that are important. A quantity is held by the cylinder this is certainly impressive of they may be used for longer periods without requiring become refilled.


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