
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer Laser Gas 10L DIN14 ກັບ 1000L Premix Gas

ທາດອາຍຜິດ Excimer ສໍາລັບຮູບແບບບາງສ່ວນ
ຍີ່ຫໍ້ Wavelength Cylinder Valve
ສອດຄ່ອງ 193nm 20 L DIN 8
B&L 193nm 20 ລິດ / 50 ລິດ DIN 8/ DIN 14
ZEISS 193nm 10L/20L DIN 8
VISX 193nm 16 L CGA 679
NIDEK 193nm 16 L CGA 679
  • ພາບລວມ
  • ການສອບຖາມ
  • ຜະ​ລິດ​ຕະ​ພັນ​ທີ່​ກ່ຽວ​ຂ້ອງ
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas factory
FLAPLESS ZEISS LASER VISION CORRECTION SMILE is an acronym for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. The laser is able to sculpt front and rear surfaces of a tiny lens-shaped section of tissue, then create a tiny keyhole incision allowing the surgeon to remove this lenticule — all without creating a LASIK flap. SMILE has now been approved by the FDA for treatment of myopia (nearsightedness), and up to 3 diopters of astigmatism. Over 750,000 SMILE procedures have been performed worldwide and represents an exciting next step in laser vision correction. SMILE laser vision correction offers the advantages of LASIK (quick visual recovery, excellent long-term stability) while avoiding the potential downsides of LASIK flap creation. SMILE offers several features that differentiate it from LASIK: No flap creation, so there cannot be any flap-related complications. Preserves corneal nerves, so dry eye symptoms may be reduced. Preserves corneal biomechanical integrity by not cutting corneal collagen fibers
   ທາດອາຍຜິດ Excimer ສໍາລັບຮູບແບບບາງສ່ວນ
20 L
20 ລິດ / 50 ລິດ
DIN 8/ DIN 14
16 L
CGA 679
16 L
CGA 679
10 L
CGA 679
16 L
CGA 679
20 L
DIN 8/ DIN 14
16 L
CGA 679

Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas details
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas factory
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas details
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas details
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas supplier
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas factory
we could give wooden boxes according to customers' order quantities and banding with iron bars, if the customers have any special requirements, they have to discuss before with the sellers, it does not support opening the wooden case during shipping, if have any problems during the shipping cause of customers reason,  the customers will take the responsibility.
FAQ 1. MOQ ແມ່ນຫຍັງ? A: ຈາກຫນຶ່ງກະບອກ 2. ເວລາການຈັດສົ່ງແມ່ນຫຍັງ? A: 7-10 ມື້ Exwork ຫຼັງຈາກທີ່ພວກເຮົາໄດ້ຮັບເງິນຝາກ, ຫຼັງຈາກທີ່ພວກເຮົາສັ່ງຊື້ເຮືອຫຼືການຂົນສົ່ງທາງອາກາດ, ພວກເຮົາສາມາດຮູ້ເວລາທັງຫມົດທີ່ຈະເຮັດການຈັດສົ່ງກັບປະເທດຂອງລູກຄ້າ. 3. ກວດສອບຄຸນນະພາບກ໊າຊແນວໃດ? A: ກ່ອນອື່ນ, ທີມງານຂອງພວກເຮົາຈະເຮັດການປິ່ນປົວກະບອກ (ທໍາຄວາມສະອາດ, ຕາກແຫ້ງ, ສູນຍາກາດ, ສູບນ້ໍາ, ແລະການທົດແທນກ່ອນທີ່ຈະຕື່ມອາຍແກັສເພື່ອຮັບປະກັນວ່າກະບອກສູບພາຍໃນແມ່ນສະອາດແລະແຫ້ງ) ອັນທີສອງ, ພວກເຮົາຈະທົດສອບກະບອກສູບທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບການປິ່ນປົວອີກເທື່ອຫນຶ່ງ, ໃຫ້ແນ່ໃຈວ່າກະບອກສູບຢູ່ໃນນັ້ນ. ແມ່ນສະອາດແລະແຫ້ງ. ອັນທີສາມ, ພວກເຮົາຈະວິເຄາະອາຍແກັສຫຼັງຈາກຕື່ມເຂົ້າໄປໃນກະບອກສູບແລະສະຫນອງ COA (ໃບຢັ້ງຢືນການວິເຄາະ) 4. ຖັງທັງຫມົດສາມາດເອົາມາໃຊ້ຄືນໃຫມ່ໄດ້ບໍ? A: ປົກກະຕິແລ້ວຊີວິດການເຮັດວຽກຂອງກະບອກເຫຼັກ seamless ແມ່ນຫຼາຍກ່ວາ 20 ປີ, ທໍ່ຖິ້ມສາມາດຖືກນໍາໃຊ້ພຽງແຕ່ຫນຶ່ງຄັ້ງ. 5. ພວກເຮົາສາມາດສົ່ງກະບອກສູບກັບຄືນໄປຈີນແລະຕື່ມແກັດບໍ? A: ແມ່ນແລ້ວ, ເມື່ອບໍລິສັດຂອງທ່ານໝົດອາຍແກັສ, ທ່ານສາມາດສົ່ງກະບອກເປົ່າ ແລະ ຕື່ມກ໊າຊຄືນໄດ້. ທ່ານພຽງແຕ່ຕ້ອງການແຈ້ງໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາກ່ອນການສົ່ງອອກຂອງທ່ານ, ພວກເຮົາຈະຈັດການກັບການເກັບພາສີຂອງຖັງໃນປະເທດຈີນ. 6. ມາດຕະຖານ Cylinders ແລະ Valve ທີ່ມີຢູ່ A: Cylinder DOT-3AA ISO9809, GB5099, TC-3AAM. EN1964, KGS ວາວ: DISS, CGA, DIN, BS, AFNOR, JIS. 7. ຂ້ອຍສາມາດເຮັດ LCL ກັບສິນຄ້າທົ່ວໄປອື່ນໆຂອງຂ້ອຍໄດ້ບໍ? A: ຜະລິດຕະພັນຂອງພວກເຮົາເປັນສິນຄ້າ DG ລະດັບ 2.2 ແລະຄວນຈະສົ່ງກັບສິນຄ້າ DG, ຖ້າການຂົນສົ່ງເປັນສິນຄ້າທົ່ວໄປ, ມັນຜິດກົດຫມາຍ, ພວກເຮົາຄວນສັ່ງສິນຄ້າ DG ຈາກບໍລິສັດຂົນສົ່ງ, ຖ້າທ່ານມີຜະລິດຕະພັນທົ່ວໄປອື່ນໆ, ທ່ານສາມາດໃສ່ໃນການຂົນສົ່ງແລະ ສົ່ງເປັນສິນຄ້າ DG.
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas manufacture
Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer  Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas details

ຍີ່ຫໍ້: AGEM

The AGEM Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas may be the device this is certainly perfect and eye that is medical. Using these types of state-of laser-the-art, surgeons can do accurate and surgeries that are effective a safe and manner this is certainly dependable. This laser gasoline system is a guitar this is certainly eye that is crucial be it for correcting vision problems or removing cloudiness inside the eyes.

The AGEM Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas may be a technology this is certainly accuracy that is effective to make a laser intense beam. This laser beam is due to the capability of eliminating minute quantities of muscle mass through the top of optical eye this is certainly optical any upheaval or harm. The laser light also permits better control in the surgery and ensures that the procedure is conducted accurately.

This Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas is furthermore created by having a premix this is certainly 1000L guarantees the operation that is proper laser, even yet in the most demanding procedures. The premix gas helps you to create an environment this is certainly safe in-patient, because it implies that the laser does not overheat and therefore the surgery is completed without getting the problems.

Regardless of its benefits being laser that is numerous systems may also be constructed with safety features which can make certain the person's eyes are protected on a regular basis. The AGEM Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas is made with DIN14 rated gas, a filtration that is top-quality guarantees on a clean working environment when it comes to group this is certainly surgical.

Also, this laser system is not hard to put on use that is making of which means that the surgeon will pay focus on delivering absolutely the best brings about their customers. The AGEM Zeiss Eye Surgery Excimer Laser Gas 10L DIN14 with 1000L Premix Gas is made become user-friendly, which makes it an amazing option new and eye this is certainly experienced.