Heliumgas is so cool, en dit kan soveel verskillende dinge doen. Kom ons leer 'n bietjie meer oor hierdie spesiale gas met vyf afdelings wat verduidelik wat helium is, waar dit vandaan kom en hoe belangrik dit is. Waar kom helium vandaan? Heliumgas is 'n soort gas wat ons nie kan sien of ruik nie. Dit is uiters lig en het baie unieke eienskappe.
Way back in 1868, a French scientist named Jules Janssen found helium in the sun. After this great discovery, people began to find helium in rocks and pure gas on Earth. But where does all that helium come from? Well, helium is formed. It drifts into a gas when certain things in rocks break down. This mainly happens when rocks composed of uranium and thorium decay over millions of years. Whenever these substances split, they emit tiny particles called alpha particles. AGEM Helium is quite small, and they combine with electrons, which are even tinier, to form helium atoms.
Dit word gevorm uit die natuurlike verval van uraan en torium in gesteentes oor miljoene jare in heliumgas. Maar ons gebruik baie heliumgas en nie genoeg word teen dieselfde tempo as ons aanvraag daarvoor geproduseer nie. Dit is 'n groot probleem vir ons, aangesien ons AGEM gebruik helium groothandel in baie belangrike dinge van partytjieballonne tot MRI-masjiene en selfs dele van ons ruimteverkenningsprogramme. As ons ooit sonder heliumgas opraak, sal al daardie kritieke rolle weg wees en dit sal jammer wees om op te gee. So, wat kan ons daaromtrent doen? Miskien kan een oplossing wees om die heliumgas wat ons het te herwin eerder as om dit te versprei. Ons kan dalk met 'n paar nuwe maniere vorendag kom om meer heliumgas te produseer om aan ons toenemende eise daarvoor te voldoen.
Helium gas is something that helium is important for in outer space too. That’s right. Stars are almost all gas, mainly hydrogen gas but with a substantial amount of helium in them too. Stars, at the time of their formation, draw in gas and dust from the surrounding space through their great gravity. The gas and dust then start coming together, and getting very hot, it starts to shine with very bright light. This is how stars are formed. The helium gas inside a star causes it to burn like crazy and remain hot forever. Without helium, the stars would not shine, and the light coming from those shining in them appears too small from our view. Helium is important for the stars, which constitute some necessary components of our universe.
Helium scientists are on the lookout for novel methods of creating storing helium gas. Such as a method called gas separation. This is a method of fractionating helium gas from other gases found in natural gas fields. Scientists are now research the new methods, among which is cold gas dynamic spraying technology. The extremely cold gas sprayed on the surface makes it stronger and last longer. Besides, to make AGEM helium laser scientists are developing new methods for storing helium gas as it leaks from the container. It is super essential that we do this because Helium gas itself has no value for us.
AGEM verskaf 'n verskeidenheid kriogene silinders wat algemene superverkoelde vloeistowwe en gasse soos vloeibare suurstof, argon-koolstofdioksied, stikstof en stikstofoksied kan hanteer. Ons gebruik ingevoerde kleppe en toerusting om topprestasie te verseker. Gasbesparingstoestelle word gebruik en gas-oordrukgas word voorrang geniet binne die gasfase-area. Dubbele veiligheidsklep bied soliede versekering vir veilige werking. Ons het 'n verskeidenheid kriogene silinders wat algemene superverkoelde vloeistowwe kan huisves:Volvolume: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L/500L/1000LWerkdruk: 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaDie binneste tenkontwerptemperatuur: (-196Shell-tenkontwerptemperatuur: 50oC+20oCIsolasie: Veellaag toegedraaide vakuumisolasieGebergte medium: LO2, LN2, LANG, LCO2, LCOXNUMX
AGEM is 'n gasvervaardigings- en R- en D-aanleg wat in Taiwan geplaas is met meer as 25 jaar se ryk R- en D-kennis op hierdie gebied wat ongeëwenaarde ervaring het op die gebied van spesialiteits-, elektroniese grootmaat-, kalibrasie- en spesialiteitsgasse regoor die wêreld in 6 verskillende streke :Taiwan - Kaohsiung City (Hoofkwartier, R en D-sentrum) Indië - Mumbai, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, DelhiChina - Wuhan Midde-Ooste - Dubai & Koninkryk van Saoedi-ArabiëVerenigde Koninkryk - CambridgeOplossings vir gas wat deur ons aangebied word, bestaan uit Tegniese Konsultasie. Samestelling en ingebruikneming. Voorbeeldtoetsing. Verpakking en versending. Tekenontwerp. Vervaardiging.
Leaks in Helium gas is a major problem. We test for leaks at least five times to ensure quality. Our company offers a complete production and testing line and the application of rigorous quality control and a perfect after-sales service system, to ensure that customers receive top-quality products and a full range of services. Our dedication to providing excellent customer service and high-quality is something we are proud of. Our skilled team is always on hand to assist you and ensure that you receive the best service to your utmost satisfaction. Our 24X7 service is what sets us apart. We are here for you all day, every the all the time.
AGEM is bewus daarvan dat verskillende klante verskillende dinge benodig met betrekking tot spesiale gasse soos kalibrasiegasse. Ons kan pasgemaakte oplossings verskaf wat aangepas is vir ons kliënte se behoeftes. Wanneer u 'n sekere suiwerheidsvlak, silindergrootte of verpakkingskeuse benodig, kan AGEM met kliënte saamwerk om hul produkte aan te pas om aan u spesifieke vereistes te voldoen. Hierdie soort aanpassing sal verseker dat jy die mees geskikte gassilinders ontvang wat vir jou spesifieke toepassing gekalibreer kan word, terwyl algehele doeltreffendheid en werkverrigting verhoog word. AGEM se produkreeks is nie net beperk tot kalibrasiegasse nie. Die katalogus van AGEM sluit koolwaterstofgasse halokoolstowwe, chemiese gasse en skaars gasse in. Jy kan verseker wees dat AGEM die gas sal hê wat jy benodig.