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800L 1000L 600L payvandlangan izolyatsiyalangan silindrli suyuq ammiak CO2 argon azotli Dewar shishasi O'zbekiston

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  • Shu Mahsulotlar
Mahsulot Ta'rif
The upper part has a protective ring and a pipeline valve system. The middle bottle body has a stainless steel shell and a heat insulating layer. Inside there is a stainless steel liner and a vacuum interlayer. Supercharger: The supercharger adopts a finned heat exchanger and is installed at the bottom of the bottle to increase the pressure in the bottle. However, when the liquid level in the bottle is low, the boosting speed is very slow. Therefore, it is recommended that the user Before use, increase the pressure inside the bottle so that the pressure inside the bottle can meet the requirements when using the liquid. Discharge valve: This valve is connected to the gas phase space of the gas cylinder. Open this valve to release the gas in the cylinder to reduce the pressure. Inlet shut-off valve: This valve is used to control the filling of cryogenic liquid. Liquid outlet valve: This valve is used to control the output of cryogenic liquid. Booster cut-off valve: This valve is used to control the booster circuit, open the valve to pressurize the bottle. Boost regulating valve: The cryogenic liquid enters the supercharger through this valve and turns into gas, and returns to the inner tank, so that the pressure in the bottle reaches the set value of the boost regulating valve. Liquid level gauge: The liquid level gauge adopts a capacitive liquid level gauge. The capacitive sensor generates a proportional electrical signal according to the height of the liquid in the bottle. The liquid level display table converts the signal after receiving the electrical signal, and expresses different liquids in percentage numbers. miqdori. Protection of the enclosure under overpressure conditions is achieved by a vacuum plug. If the liner leaks (resulting in super high sandwich pressure), the vacuum plug will open to release the pressure. In the event of a leak from the vacuum plug, the interlayer vacuum will be broken, at which point the housing will be found to "sweat" and frost. Of course, frost or condensation on the end of the tubing connected to the bottle is normal. Vacuum plug: Protection of the housing under overpressure conditions is achieved by a vacuum plug. If the liner leaks (resulting in super high sandwich pressure), the vacuum plug will open to release the pressure. In case of leakage of the vacuum plug, the vacuum of the interlayer will be broken. At this time, "sweating" and frosting of the shell can be found. Of course, frost or condensation on the end of the tubing connected to the bottle is normal. (Warning: Do not pull out the vacuum plug under any circumstances) Liquid supply and use process of Dewar bottle First, make sure that the main pipeline valve of the spare cylinder group has been closed, open the gas valve and liquid outlet valve on the steel cylinder to be used, then open the corresponding valve on the header skid of the cylinder group connected to the steel cylinder, and then open the corresponding pipeline main valve. vana. Finally, open the valve at the inlet of the vaporizer, and the liquid will be vaporized by the vaporizer and supplied to the user after being regulated by the pressure regulator. When supplying liquid, if the pressure of the steel cylinder is not enough, you can open the booster valve of the steel cylinder, and pressurize the steel cylinder through the booster system of the steel cylinder, so as to obtain sufficient liquid supply pressure.
Cryogenic Liquid Cylinder Storage Tank For Medical Use Dewar -They are widely used in nitrogen storage, for Welding ,laser cutting, for Cryosauna... -For Oxygen storage,for farming,for Hospital oxygen supply ..... -for LCO2 storage,widely use in food freezing, for beer factory…. For LNG supply, widely use in community LNG supply system…
Paket va etkazib berish
Tez-tez so'raladigan savollar 1. MOQ nima? Javob: Bitta silindrdan 2. Yetkazib berish muddati qancha? Javob: Depozitni olganimizdan so'ng 7-10 kunlik ish, biz kema yoki havo jo'natmasiga buyurtma berganimizdan so'ng, mijozning mamlakatiga etkazib berishning umumiy vaqtini bilib olamiz. 3. Gaz sifati qanday tekshiriladi? Javob: Birinchidan, bizning jamoamiz silindrlarni tozalashni amalga oshiradi (tozalash, quritish, changni yutish, nasos bilan to'ldirish va gazni to'ldirishdan oldin almashtirish) Ikkinchidan, silindrni qayta ishlashga ishonch hosil qilish uchun qayta ishlangan silindrlarni sinovdan o'tkazamiz. toza va quruq. Uchinchidan, biz gazni silindrlarga to'ldirgandan so'ng tahlil qilamiz va COA (tahlil sertifikati) ni taqdim etamiz 4. Barcha ballonlarni qayta ishlash mumkinmi? Javob: Odatda choksiz po'lat tsilindrlarning ishlash muddati 20 yildan ortiq, bir marta ishlatiladigan tsilindrlarni faqat bir marta ishlatish mumkin. 5. Shilinglarni Xitoyga qaytarib yuborib, gazni to'ldirishimiz mumkinmi? Javob: Ha, kompaniyangizda benzin tugashi bilan siz bo'sh ballonlarni qaytarib yuborishingiz va gazni to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Siz eksport qilishdan oldin bizga xabar berishingiz kerak, biz Xitoyda silindrlarni bojxona rasmiylashtiruvi bilan shug'ullanamiz. 6. Silindrlar va Valf standarti mavjud A: Tsilindr DOT-3AA ISO9809, GB5099, TC-3AAM. EN1964, KGS klapan: DISS, CGA, DIN, BS, AFNOR, JIS. 7. Boshqa umumiy yukim bilan LCL qila olamanmi? Javob: Bizning mahsulotlarimiz 2.2 darajali DG yukiga tegishli va DG yuki bilan jo'natish kerak, agar oddiy yuk sifatida jo'natish noqonuniy bo'lsa, biz DG yukini yuk tashish kompaniyasidan buyurtma qilishimiz kerak, agar sizda boshqa umumiy mahsulotlar bo'lsa, siz yukga qo'yishingiz mumkin va DG yuk sifatida yuboring.
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