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Alcon VISX तरंग प्रकाश 193nm F2 आर्गन नियोन हीलियम मिश्रण ग्यास एक्सिमर लेजर ग्याज

  • परिचय
  • जांच
  • सम्बन्धित उत्पादन



The VISX Wave light 193nm F2 argon neon helium mixture gas excimer Lazer gas is a top-of-the-line product from the prestigious brand AGEM. This product is a laser used in corrective eye surgeries, and it offers a range of features that make it one of the best choices for practitioners in the field.


One of the key advantages of the AGEM laser is its use of a 193nm F2 excimer laser that provides excellent precision and control during surgeries. The laser's proprietary gas mixture, which includes argon, neon, and helium, also helps to ensure that the laser is highly effective and efficient during procedures.


In addition to its high-tech components, the AGEM laser is user-friendly and easy to operate. The system is designed to be compatible with a range of surgical instruments, giving practitioners flexibility in their approach. It also provides a range of customizable settings that allow surgeons to tailor their procedures to each patient's individual needs.


The AGEM laser's advanced features make it a popular choice among practitioners and patients alike. Many report that the laser produces excellent outcomes for all types of refractive errors, including myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Patients also appreciate the laser's fast and relatively painless procedures that require minimal recovery time.


As a brand, AGEM has established a reputation for excellence in the eye surgery industry. Their products are known for their reliability, quality, and innovative design. The AGEM laser is no exception to this rule, and it has quickly become one of the most popular products in the company's lineup.


उत्पादन विवरण
Laser Gas Mixtures  Argon F2 Helium Neon Excimer Laser Gas Price

Argon (AR), Fluorine(F2), Helium (He) Neon(Ne) The premixed gases used to excite the laser on the ophthalmic excimer laser equipment are mainly fluorine and argon, with neon as the balance gas.
   आंशिक मोडेलहरूको लागि एक्सिमर ग्याँसहरू

20 एल
दीन 8

B र L
20 L / 50 L
DIN 8 / DIN 14

10L/20 L
दीन 8

16 एल
CGA 679०

16 एल
CGA 679०

10 एल
CGA 679०

16 एल
CGA 679०

20 एल
DIN 8 / DIN 14

शिखर सम्मेलन
16 एल
CGA 679०

Excimer Laser Gas preparation procedure requires analysis certificate, and analytical devices must be used in the process, so it is different from that of industrial gases

Excimer Laser Gases are prepared in very sensitive proportions (ppm, ppb, %, mg / m3) with the help of special devices according to the concentrations required by Excimer laser devices with different trademarks, and they are composed of the mixture of several components in their concentrations

Unlike in industrial gases, excimer laser gases should be prepared in cylinders with suitable material and valve equipments according to the each gas type

The cylinders supplied by our company are steel ones, the security is checked before every filling process, and non-standard cylinders don't refilled and they are recycled

Excimer Laser Gases consist of a mixture of noble gas (inert gas) and halogen. The 193 nm laser is created under the reaction of Ar and F2 gases under the appropriate conditions of electrical stimulation and high pressure. This process requires high technology and can be done by very few gas companies in the world

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