Хийн лазер - Гайхалтай ертөнц
The special technology of the AGEM хийн лазер can help many different industries so that these are essential tools in a wide variety of applications. The first of these was created by him in 1960 with the construction of a ruby laser. After that the gas lasers become quite common and practical. Not only are they more flexible and efficient, but due to their brightness can create a very spot beam of light. This gives them the ability to direct relatively large amounts of light in very precise beams and with high spectral purity, which enables gas lasers to be capable of tasks such as precision cutting (using laser at 1064 nm wavelength), alignment ("laser" sighting set-ups for weapons or machines) lighting and For imaging -- courtesy by common yellow-orange' lasing tube interviews thereby facilitating helium-neon developers who require accurate optical diagnostic bench instruments like telescopes. This article covers and looks at exactly how they work before going on to a few of the applications for which are found in day-to-day industrial usage.
It has revolutionized the manufacturing industry in factories with gas lasers. They find applications in cutting, drilling, welding and engraving of materials as their high intensity beams help expedite these processes. The most powerful and common type of laser gas, the CO2 laser (along with ZnSe-enhanced internal mirror) is used in many industrial applications due to its ability to cut at power levels up to 100 kW. It is a favorite in the industry as it can cut just about anything, including tough materials like stainless steel. CO2 lasers work by combining gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium. Those AGEM, when excited, can emit a powerful IR beam. This beam has so much power that it can dissolve or burn many materials with strong precision clean enough that quality United States manufacturing requires.
In the electronics, aerospace and car manufacturing sectors, as well as in medical device fabrication - you will see CO2 шинэ лазер. Such AGEM can cut or engrave an extensive range of materials, including metals, plastics and ceramics. Since they offer so many benefits, allowing companies to produce their products at a faster rate and with reduced costs, the technology associated with CO2 lasers is one of the most valuable methods businesses can use to help position themselves in today's market. CO2 lasers help in production efficiencies by playing a significant role in enabling companies to balance quality with competitiveness, being indispensable tools for manufacturing processes nowadays.
CO2 lasers are widely used in manufacturing, but they may also be found in hospitals and scientific laboratories. They are used in medical procedures requiring precise cuts, such as surgeries. CO2 lasers use in medicine is considered safe, as it smooths the tissue with minimal bleeding and prevents serious scars that are very important for patient recovery. Scientifically, CO2 lasers are used to study gases and solids which help scientist make advances in our knowledge of the world. Because of this flexibility, гелий лазер are highly sought after in a variety of medical and scientific arenas.
The has another significant application as a type of gas laser. Argon Laser (argon) The light from an argon laser is a completely different wavelength than когерент лазерууд and can be targeted to certain areas in the skin like blood vessels or pigmented spots. These characteristics by example are utilizable for the treatment of variety skin disorders, such as Port-wine stains and other pigmented lesions. Eye doctors also use argon lasers to treat conditions that will cause vision loss like diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Argon lasers feed the energy directly into the retina, enabling proper eye health and blindness prevention.
AGEM нь Тайваньд 25 гаруй жил үйл ажиллагаагаа явуулж байна. Бид энэ чиглэлээр өргөн хүрээний R, D туршлагатай бөгөөд 6 өөр бүс нутагт тусгай бөөнөөр, шалгалт тохируулгын хийн чиглэлээр тодорхой туршлага санал болгох боломжтой. Тайвань - Каошюн хот (Төв байр, R, D төв) Энэтхэг - Мумбай, Вадодара , Коимбатор, Пуна, Бенгалуру, Дели Хятад - Вухан Ойрхи Дорнод - Дубай (АНЭУ) ба Саудын Вант Улс Араб Нэгдсэн Вант Улс - КембриджМанай хийн шийдлүүд нь Техникийн зөвлөгөө өгөх, угсрах, ашиглалтанд оруулах, дээжийн туршилт, сав баглаа боодол, тээвэрлэлт, зургийн дизайн, үйлдвэрлэлээс бүрдэнэ.
For Gas lasers leaks in gas are one of the most important issues, which is why we conduct the leak test at least five times in order to guarantee the quality. Our company is equipped with a full production and testing line with strict quality control, along with a flawless after-sales support system to ensure that our customers receive top-quality products and the full range of services. Our commitment to quality and customer service is something we are proud of. Our highly skilled professionals are always ready to assist you, and will ensure that all your needs are met. What makes us different is our 24X7 hours available service. We are available to assist you around the clock and every day of the week.
AGEM нь янз бүрийн хэрэглэгчид тохируулгын хий гэх мэт тусгай хийтэй холбоотой өвөрмөц шаардлага тавьдаг гэдгийг хүлээн зөвшөөрдөг. Бид үйлчлүүлэгчдийнхээ хэрэгцээнд тохирсон шийдлүүдийг санал болгож чадна. Танд тодорхой цэвэр байдлын зэрэг, цилиндрийн хэмжээ, сав баглаа боодлын сонголт шаардлагатай эсэхээс үл хамааран AGEM нь бүтээгдэхүүнээ таны нарийн шаардлагад нийцүүлэн тохируулахын тулд тантай хамтран ажиллах боломжтой. Энэхүү хувийн тохируулга нь таны тусгай хэрэглээнд тохируулга хийх хамгийн сайн хийн цилиндрийг авах баталгаа болж, ерөнхий үр ашиг, гүйцэтгэлийг нэмэгдүүлэх болно. AGEM-ийн бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь зөвхөн тохируулгын хийгээр хязгаарлагдахгүй. Тэдний каталогт нүүрсустөрөгчийн хий, химийн хий Галокарбон, ховор хий, түүнчлэн судалгаа, үйлдвэрлэлд ашигладаг олон тооны бусад хий багтсан болно. Энэ нь та AGEM-д найдаж, өөрт хэрэгтэй хийгээ бүрэн хангаж чадна гэсэн үг юм.
AGEM нь шингэн хүчилтөрөгч, аргон, нүүрстөрөгчийн давхар исэл, азот, азотын исэл зэрэг ердийн хэт хөргөлттэй хий, шингэнийг зохицуулах боломжтой хэд хэдэн криоген цилиндрээр хангадаг. AGEM-ийн давуу талууд нь: Бид дээд зэргийн чанартай импортын хавхлага, багаж хэрэгслийг ашигладаг бөгөөд ингэснээр өндөр гүйцэтгэлтэй байх болно. Хийн хэмнэлттэй төхөөрөмжийг ашиглах, хийн фазын орон зайд хэт даралтын хийг ашиглахад давуу эрх олгох. Давхар хамгаалалтын хавхлага нь ашиглалтын аюулгүй байдлыг хангах найдвартай арга юм. Бид өдөр тутмын амьдралд өргөн хэрэглэгддэг хэт хөргөлттэй шингэнийг багтаах олон төрлийн криоген цилиндрийг санал болгож байна. Бүрэн хэмжээ: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L /500л/1000л Ажлын даралт: 1.37МПа/2.3МПа/2.88МПа/3.45МПа Дотор савны дизайны температур -196 Бүрхүүлийн савны дизайны температур: -20oC+50oСтусгаарлагч Олон давхаргат ороосон вакуум тусгаарлагч Хадгалах орчин: LO2, LN2, LAr, LCO2, LNG