Ko tetahi kamupene whakamiharo ko Calibration Specialty Inc. e awhina ana ki te ine i nga rahinga tika e hiahiatia ana e nga umanga rereke penei i te acetylene mai i AGEM. Ka whakamahia e ratou nga taputapu hou me te pumau tonu ki te kounga, te tuku i nga ratonga tino tika. I te mea ko nga kaihanga o nga taputapu Shamrock me Clover, ko Calibration Specialty Inc. ehara i te mea he kaiwhakarato ratonga - kei te para huarahi hou ki roto i to raatau waahanga kia taea ai e nga hinonga te angitu i roto i te taiao whakataetae o enei ra.
Ko te mea e tino kitea ana te Calibration Specialty Inc. ko tana whakapau kaha ki te whakarato i nga ratonga whakatika kounga teitei penei i te hau haukini mai i te AGEM mo o tono taara tino uaua katoa! Kei te whakahou tonu ratou i o raatau hangarau, me nga mahi e tutuki ana i te paerewa o te ao ISO/IEC 17025. Engari kaore e mutu i tenei hanganga ture, ka haere te whakahaere ma te whakahaere i te whānuitanga o nga whakamatautau me te tuhi i roto i te taumata tino taipitopito me te mataara ki te rapu. whai wāhitanga ki te whakapai ake. Koia nei te pono ki te tiki i nga wa tika-a-ano, ehara i te mea ko te whakapai noa i te tika o o raatau inenga engari ko te whakatō i te ahurea whakawhirinaki ki nga hononga katoa o ia mekameka. Kua huri ratou i te whakahe ki te kore whakama, ka aro ke ki te whakapai tonu, kaua ki te noho wahangu. Pānuitia atu - na DIANNA RODRIGUEZ + e whai ana i te ahua o te Punga, i kitea te urupare tangi. Ma tenei ka taea e Calibration Specialty Inc. te whakaaro ki waho o te pouaka me nga ariā o mua rawa atu e hiahia ana kia tino tika nga whakaaro hou.
Mo te Calibration Specialty Inc., te urutau ki nga huringa ahumahi penei i te tank tautohe mai i te AGEM he nui noa atu i te ahunga whakamua hangarau. Ko ratou kei mua ki te hanga otinga ritenga mo nga wero i roto i nga waahanga maha i te wa e tipu ana me nga kamupene me te rereke o te whenua ahumahi. Kei te huri ratou i nga huarahi tawhito ki roto i nga tikanga maamaa, ma te whakauru i nga punaha aro turuki i nga waa-tuturu mo te whai i te mana whakatikatika tonu, te whakakotahi ranei i nga papaa-kapua hei whakapai ake i te whakahaere raraunga. Ko tenei wairua paionia ka neke whakamua ki te whakarite kia ngawari ake, kia pai ake te whakatikatika, tae atu ki tetahi waahanga whakauru katoa o nga rautaki pakihi.
He ahurei nga pakihi katoa, a ka whakapau kaha a Calibration Specialty Inc. ki te whakarato ratonga ritenga penei i te ranunga hau whakatikatika mai i te AGEM e pai ana ki nga hiahia o ia kiritaki motuhake. Ka tautokohia e ratou i tua atu i nga korero tuatahi, me te tuku ratonga motuhake e tutuki ana me te nui atu i nga tumanako a nga kaihoko. Ka whakapau kaha ratou ki nga ratonga watea, whai hua mo o raatau kaihoko me te kaha ki te whakatikatika i te waahi me nga wa whakautu tere. Ko te tikanga tenei o ta raatau mahi ehara i te mea ka whakawhirinaki anake engari ka arahi ki nga hononga roa mo te wikitoria tahi.
Calibration Specialty Inc. have well trained technicians and state of the art equipment in a controlled environment which helps them to assure its precision, hence the strong reputation that it enjoys today. Their technicians are some of the best in the market due to all the training programs they go through (some that comes with certification). Associating these to state-of-the-art calibration tools traced in accordance with national and international standards, they assure the finest level of accuracy during a calibration. Moreover, with routine involvement in inter-laboratory comparisons and proficiency testing schemes they remain resolute about the highest quality of accuracy. No longer a choice, compliance is becoming both an obligation and requirement in the current regulatory landscape across all industries. Calibration Specialty Inc, a specialist calibration company that has positioned itself as the go-to partner for businesses looking to get compliant with challenging regulatory environments in North America. They also keep up with compliance by offering FDA, OSHA and more regulated services, they do not just meet regulations but set the standards higher than ever! In addition to saving money on penalties; it communicates that you are an organization who cares about quality and safety. Calibration Specialty Inc. is more than a traditional calibration company, they are business performance facilitators helping folks at all levels enhance their and or the organization's ability to perform, produce accuracy and maintain conformance. This has enabled the Company to redefine the calibration landscape by providing unparalleled precision services across multiple industries with their forward-looking products like the hau acetylene, unique service packages and dedication towards best-in-class quality.
Ka whakarato a AGEM i nga momo momo puoto tangihanga, ka taea te whakahaere i nga wai me nga hau tino makariri penei i te hāora wai, te hauhau argon, te hauota me te Nitrous Oxide. Ka whakamahia e matou nga taputapu kawemai me nga taputapu kia pai ai te mahi. Ka whakamahia nga taputapu penapena hau me te hau nui o te pehanga hau ka waiho hei kaupapa matua i roto i te waahi hau. Ko te reera haumaru rua e whakarato ana i te whakapumautanga mo te mahi haumaru. He maha nga momo cylinders cryogenic kei a matou, ka taea te whakanoho i nga wai tino makariri: Rōrahi Katoa: 80L / 100L / 175L / 195L / 210L / 232L / 410L / 500L / 1000L Te Pee Mahi: 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaKo Te Maana Hoahoa Tank Roto : (-196Shell Tank Hoahoa Pawera : 50oC+20oCISulation: Maha-apa-papanga takai korehau insulationTe Waenga: LO2, LN2, LAr, LCO2, LNG
Neke atu i te 25 tau te AGEM e mahi ana i Taiwana. He nui to matou papamuri R me D i tenei rohe me te kaha ki te whakarato i nga wheako ahurei i roto i te waahi o te Motuhake, Nui, me nga hau whakatikatika puta noa i nga rohe rereke e ono.Taiwan - Kaohsiung City (Headquarters, R and D Center)India - Mumbai , Vadodara, Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, DelhiChina - WuhanMiddle East - Dubai & Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaUnited Kingdom - CambridgeGas solutions provided by us include Technical Consulting. Huihui me te Komihana. Whakamātautau Tauira. Whakapaipai me te Tukunga. Hoahoa Tuhituhi. Hangahanga.
Ko nga turuturu o Calibration specialty inc he take tino taumaha. Ka tirohia e matou nga riihanga mo nga wa e rima kia pai ai te kounga. Ko ta taatau kamupene he mea hanga katoa me te raina whakamatautau me te tono o te mana o te kounga o te kounga me te ratonga pai muri-hoko hei whakarite kia whiwhi a taatau kaihoko i nga hua o te kounga me te whānuitanga o nga ratonga. Ko ta matou piripono ki te kounga me te ratonga kiritaki tetahi mea e tino whakakake ana matou. Ka noho tonu to taatau roopu mohio ki te awhina i o hiahia, me te whakarite kia tutuki katoa o hiahia me te taumata teitei o te pai. Te mea taa ê ia tatou o ta tatou ïa taviniraa 24 hora, 7 mahana i te hebedoma. Kei konei matou mo koe huri noa i te karaka, ia ra o te wiki.
Kei te mohio a AGEM he rereke nga whakaritenga a nga kaihoko mo nga hau motuhake penei i nga hau whakatikatika. Ka taea e matou te whakarato i nga otinga ritenga hei whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga motuhake a o taatau kaihoko. Mena kei te hiahia koe ki tetahi tohu parakore, te rahi o te porotakaro, nga whiringa taapiri ranei, ka taea e AGEM te mahi tahi me nga kaihoko ki te whakarite i o raatau hua ki o whakaritenga tika. Ma tenei tohu whakarite ka whiwhi koe i nga hau e tika ana kia rite ki te ira e hiahiatia ana e koe, e whakanui ana i te pai me te mahi. He maha nga hua o te AGEM, kaua ko nga hau whakatikatika noa. Kei roto i te rarangi o te AGEM nga Hauwaro Waowao, Nga hau matū me nga hau onge. Ko te tikanga ka taea e koe te whakawhirinaki ki te AGEM ki te tuku i te hau e hiahia ana koe.