Gas regulators are elements that control the respective pressure flow of gases in homes and businesses. Twin stage regulator from AGEM is also one of the best use for type of Oxygen moderator that often use in industrial, laboratory and workshop.
In huge industries, twin stage regulators are very significant because they help in maintaining the high pressure of gas that is sent across a long pipeline. These AGEM Gas Equipment are unique in allowing pressure to be cut twice. The gas is first stage compress here from 10 to 15 psi. The gas then proceeds to the second stage, where the pressure decreases further until it reaches its new minimal value.
Twin stage regulators of AGEM regulate pressure in a more sensitive way than the simpler single-stage design. This higher resolution enables a stable gas flow at constant pressure regardless of the variations in inlet pressure and hence lower sensitivity to upstream conditions.
Double stage regulars do a great job of inlet pressure decreasing into the desired value but also limiting the regressive-pressure. Its a unique feature does not allow the outlet pressure to change anywhere, thus ensuring that the gas flow will be same as it is flowing in inlet irrespective of any changes at its inlet sides. Additionally, these regulators are made of solid brass for superior corrosion resistance and designed to handle high vibration levels from the engine.
Improving Gas Efficiency and Safety of Laboratories and Workshops using Twin Stage Regulators
Hi dies sunt Gas arca are becoming more common in laboratory and workshops because of their efficiency and foolproof safety features. These regulators help in the effective utilization of gas and hence cost savings by precisely controlling gas pressure. In addition, the devices are equipped with built-in security features like pressure relief valves that avert any troubles ranging from leaks to detonations and fires by allowing excess gas out if its charged to an unsafe level.
For Twin stage regulator leaks in gas are one of the most important issues, which is why we conduct the leak test at least five times in order to guarantee the quality. Our company is equipped with a full production and testing line with strict quality control, along with a flawless after-sales support system to ensure that our customers receive top-quality products and the full range of services. Our commitment to quality and customer service is something we are proud of. Our highly skilled professionals are always ready to assist you, and will ensure that all your needs are met. What makes us different is our 24X7 hours available service. We are available to assist you around the clock and every day of the week.
AGEM Vestibulum Vestibulum et R et D planta in Taiwan posita est cum plus quam 25 annis divitis R et D peritia in hoc campo, singularis peritia in agro Specialitatis Electronic mole, Calibration et Specialitate gasorum trans globum in 6 diversis. regiones: Taiwan - Kaohsiung urbs (Praetorium, R et D Centre) India - Mumbai, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, DelhiChina - WuhanMiddle East - Dubai & Regnum Arabiae Saudianae - CambridgeOur solutiones gasi consistunt in consultatione technica, congregatione & commissione, Sample Testing, sarcina et naves, Tractus Design, Vestibulum.
AGEM cylindros cryogenicos complectentes qui liquores et vapores super-refrigerator maxime uti possunt, sicut oxygeni liquidi, argonis, nitrogenii, dioxidi carbonii et oxydi nitro-genus. Commoda AGEM sunt: Invecta valvulae qualitates et instrumenta optima, ad praestationem summae operationis. Gas salutaris machinis adhibitis et gas pressuris gasi prima potior est in area gasi phaselus. Valvulae salutis duplices securitatem et fidem pro tuta operatione offerunt. Varios cylindros cryogenicos offerunt qui adhiberi possunt ad liquidos refrigeratos communiter adhiberi: Full Volume: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L/500L/1000LWork Pressura: 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaInner Tank Design Temperature: -196Shell Tank Design Temperature : -20oC+50oCInsulation Vacuum velit cum multi-circulo adligatMedium repositionis: LNG, LO2, LArLCO2;
AGEM scit unusquisque clientem singularia requisita in agro propriorum gasorum habere, verbi gratia vapores calibrationis. Hac de causa, solutiones consuetudinis praebere possumus ut peculiares clientium nostrorum necessitates occurrant. Si praecipua quantitate puritatis, amplitudinis cylindrici vel optionis fasciculi opus est, AGEM cum clientibus operari potest ut fructus suos ad exactas exigentias custodiant. Hic gradus customizationis efficit ut aptissimum calibrationem gasi cylindrici recipias pro applicationibus ad altiorem efficientiam et observantiam meliorationem. AGEM amplitudo productorum ad vapores calibrationis non restrictus est. Eorum catalogus gasorum Hydrocarbonorum, gasorum chemicorum, halocarbonum et gasorum raros continet, et multos alios gasorum investigationis et industriae. Certum est AGEM habe- gas quod requiris.