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Fertilizante líquido de amoniaco anhidro NH99.9 de grado industrial con pureza del 3 %

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Introducing, the AGEM’s Industrial Grade Purity 99.9% NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid NH3 Fertilizer, your go-to solution for high quality and efficient plant growth. Our product is designed to offer unparalleled fertilizer performance while maintaining the safety and convenience that our consumers value.


Our Industrial Grade Purity 99.9% NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid NH3 Fertilizer is made with the highest purity ammonia, meaning that it does not contain any water. This makes it incredibly effective for promoting healthy plant growth and providing key nutrients to your plants. Unlike many other fertilizers on the market, our product is completely anhydrous, which ensures that it is free from any contaminants or impurities that could harm your plants.


Our AGEM’s Industrial Grade Purity 99.9% NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid NH3 Fertilizer is easy to apply and will not require any special equipment or training. Simply mix it with water and apply it to the soil around your plants. Our liquid fertilizer is highly concentrated, ensuring that you get maximum results from each application.


One of the key benefits of using our AGEM’ Industrial Grade Purity 99.9% NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid NH3 Fertilizer is its ability to promote superior root development. The high purity ammonia in our product helps to drive deeper root growth, which in turn leads to stronger, healthier plants. Additionally, our liquid fertilizer contains essential nutrients that help to boost overall plant health and protect against disease and other environmental stresses

Descripción de Productos
Ammonia Ammonia is naturally occurring and can be produced by human activities. Ammonia is used in detergents used as fertilizers for plants Ammonia does not remain in the environment for long periods of time, nor does it accumulate in the food chain. Everyone is exposed to the environment naturally produced in the air, food. Low concentrations of ammonia in water and soil Before using ammonia-based cleaners, make sure you have good ventilation and wear the correct clothing, and never store cleaners in containers where children may be interested. Ammonia levels can be measured in blood and urine. These tests cannot directly detect whether you have been exposed to ammonia. OSHA has set an 8-hour acceptable exposure of 25ppm The focus of this article 【Ammonia (Ammonia), CAS # 7664-41-7】, has been found everywhere in the air, soil and water in the environment, even including plants. animals and humans. Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia can cause irritation and burns of the skin, mouth, throat, lungs and eyes. Can cause death at very high concentrations of ammonia 1. What is Ammonia       Ammonia is naturally occurring and can be produced by human activities. Ammonia is an important source of nitrogen necessary for plants and animals. Bacteria found in the gut can produce ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a distinct odour. The smell is familiar to many people because ammonia is used in smelling salts, many household and industrial cleaners and window cleaners. Ammonia gas can dissolve in water, and this ammonia is called liquid ammonia or ammonia water. Once exposed to open air, liquid ammonia turns into a gas. Ammonia is applied directly to the soil in agricultural fields and is used as a fertilizer for crops, lawns and plants in agricultural fields. Many household and industrial cleaners contain ammonia. 2. How does ammonia enter the environment Ammonia is found ubiquitously in the environment in air, water, soil, animals, and plants. Ammonia does not remain in the environment for a long time, it is immediately used by plants, bacteria and animals. Ammonia does not accumulate in the food chain, but ammonia is an essential nutrient for plants and bacteria.

3. Under what circumstances would I be exposed to ammonia

Everyone is exposed to the environment naturally produced in the air, food. Low concentrations of ammonia in water and soil. You may be exposed to high levels of ammonia by using ammonia-based cleaning products. If you use ammonia-containing fertilizers or live near agricultural fields that use ammonia-based fertilizers, you may be exposed to high levels of ammonia. If you enter an airtight building that contains many animals (especially farm animals), you may be exposed to very high levels of ammonia
Refrigerante líquido amoniaco NH99.9 de pureza 3 % R717
Nombre del producto
Amoniaco liquido
Fertilizantes, Refrigeración
Masa molar
Gas incoloro
Olor :
Olor acre fuerte

Certificado de análisis de amoniaco R717:
<1 <>
<5 <>
dióxido de carbono
≤ 1 
monóxido de carbón
≤ 2
≤ 2
Humedad (H2O)
≤ 0.03
≤ 5
Impureza total
≤ 10
≤ 0.03
Aplicación típica

Agente antimicrobiano para productos alimenticios:
Actualmente, el amoníaco anhidro se utiliza comercialmente para reducir o eliminar la contaminación microbiana de la carne de res.

El amoníaco doméstico es una solución de NH3 en agua que se utiliza como limpiador de uso general para muchas superficies.

Fabricación de hidroxilamina
En la industria de la fermentación se utilizan soluciones de amoníaco que oscilan entre el 16% y el 25% como fuente de nitrógeno para los microorganismos y para ajustar el pH durante la fermentación.

A nivel mundial, aproximadamente el 88% del amoníaco se utiliza como fertilizante, ya sea en forma de sales, soluciones o de forma anhidra. Cuando se aplica al suelo, ayuda a aumentar el rendimiento de cultivos como el maíz y el trigo.

Precursor de compuestos nitrogenados:
Ya sea en forma de sales, soluciones o anhidras, cuando se aplica al suelo ayuda a aumentar el rendimiento de cultivos como el maíz y el trigo.

producción de rayón
Conservación de propileno y éter dimetílico
Empaquetado y entrega
Tamaño del paquete:
Cilindro 50Ltr
Cilindro 400Ltr
Cilindro 800Ltr

Peso neto de llenado/cilindro:

Cantidad cargada en contenedor de 20':
220 unidades
25 unidades
17 unidades

Peso neto total:
Toneladas 5.5
Toneladas 5
Toneladas 6.8

Peso tara del cilindro:

QF-11 / CGA705
Preguntas Frecuentes
1.  What is the MOQ

R: De un cilindro

2.  What is the delivery time
R: 7-10 días Exwork después de recibir el depósito. Después de realizar el pedido por barco o envío aéreo, podremos saber el tiempo total para realizar la entrega al país del cliente.

3.  How do check the gas quality
R: En primer lugar, nuestro equipo realizará el tratamiento de los cilindros (limpieza, secado, aspiración, bombeo y reemplazo antes de llenar el gas para garantizar que el interior del cilindro esté limpio y seco). En segundo lugar, probaremos los cilindros tratados nuevamente para asegurarnos de que el cilindro dentro del cual está limpio y seco. En tercer lugar, analizaremos el gas después de llenarlo en los cilindros y le proporcionaremos el COA (Certificado de análisis).

4.  Does all cylinders can be recyclable
R: Por lo general, la vida útil de los cilindros de acero sin costura es de más de 20 años. Los cilindros desechables se pueden usar solo una vez.

5.  Can we send cylinders back to China and refill the gas

R: Sí, cuando su empresa se quede sin gasolina, puede devolver los cilindros vacíos y rellenar el gas. Solo necesita informarnos antes de su exportación, nos encargaremos del despacho de aduana de los cilindros en China.

6. Cilindros y válvulas estándar disponibles
R: Cilindro DOT-3AA ISO9809, GB5099, TC-3AAM. EN1964, VÁLVULA KGS: DISS, CGA, DIN, BS, AFNOR, JIS.

7.  Can I do LCL with my other common cargo
A: Nuestros productos pertenecen a la categoría de carga DG de nivel 2.2 y deben enviarse con carga DG. Si se envían como carga común, es ilegal. Debemos solicitar la carga DG a la empresa de envío. Si tiene otros productos comunes, puede colocarlos en la carga y enviarlos como carga DG.
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