Neon glows brightly. This is a big word that means when electricity runs through the gas; it gets all of those little bits inside (atoms) really excited. While these atoms are returning to their normal state from this higher energy, they produce energy and release it in the form of light. This is why neon gas from AGEM kalibreringsgasser shines so brightly.
This is interesting as gases glow different colors when set to glow like this. For example, the same rainbow of color can be produced by passing neon gas (glowing bright red) and ionic salt vapors in neon tubes or other gases such as argon (blue), helium (yellow) from AGEM kalibreringsgasser. The color range is another argument of what points to the extreme fun and specialness in using neon gas.
Neon gas is probably most famously used to make bright and eye-catching signs and adverts. Neon signs experienced their golden age in the 20th century when they became such a hit not only in Las Vegas, but all throughout America. Reflective sunglasses, a variety of restaurants bars and shops were just some of the glamorous signs that would make businesses known in a city lined with busy streets.
Neon gas is still in common use today by sign and lighting professionals across the globe. However, it has also discovered some interesting new applications in modern technology in AGEM excimer lasergas nor are electronic components: Sometimes, for instance, one paints the last layer of LED lights, which shine very crisp and enduringly brightly with one or another of those colored neon gases, to most colorful effect.
Also, neon gas from AGEM excimer lasergas is used in plasma displays that you can find in many modern televisions and computer screens. These are made with cells filled with even smaller quantities of neon gas in them — they work by hitting the gas with some electrical current, and make images solely based on that. The video provides us with bright and colorful images that are a joy to watch every day.
Neon gas is a truly remarkable material that has mesmerized people for well over a hundred years. Due to its vivid coloration and luminescent traits, this AGEM gaskalibreringsudstyr is used in a variety of applications, from flashy signs that attracts viewers, to critical scientific experiments. The evolution in the technology has a reason for casting roles where we can expect neon gas to have several more novel and interesting successful applications.
AGEM anerkender, at forskellige kunder har unikke krav til specialgasser, såsom kalibreringsgas. Vi kan levere skræddersyede løsninger, der er skræddersyet til vores kunders specifikke behov. Uanset om du har brug for en bestemt renhedsgrad, størrelse på cylinder eller emballagevalg, kan AGEM samarbejde med dig om at skræddersy deres produkter efter dine præcise krav. Denne grad af personalisering vil garantere, at du får de fineste gasflasker til at kalibrere din specifikke applikation, hvilket øger den samlede effektivitet og ydeevne. AGEM-serien af produkter er ikke kun begrænset til kalibreringsgas. Deres katalog omfatter kulbrintegas, kemiske gasser Halocarboner, Sjældne gasser samt et utal af andre gasser, der bruges i forskning og industri. Det betyder, at du kan stole på, at AGEM leverer præcis den gas, du har brug for.
AGEM har eksisteret i Taiwan i mere end 25 år. Vi har en omfattende F & U-ekspertise på dette område og kan tilbyde unik ekspertise inden for special-, bulk- og kalibreringsgasser på tværs af 6 forskellige regioner.Taiwan - Kaohsiung City (hovedkvarter, forsknings- og udviklingscenter) Indien - Mumbai, Vadodara, Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, DelhiKina - Wuhan Mellemøsten - Dubai (UAE) & Kongeriget Saudi-ArabienStorbritannien - CambridgeSolutions for gas tilbydes af os omfatter Teknisk Rådgivning. Montering & idriftsættelse. Prøvetestning. Pakning & forsendelse. Tegning Design. Fremstilling.
Leaks of Neon gas tanks can be one of the biggest problems. We test for leaks more than five times to ensure quality. Our company offers a complete production and testing line and the application of rigorous quality control, along with a perfect after-sales service system in order to make sure that clients get top quality products and a full range of services. Our dedication to quality and customer service is something we're very proud of. Our team of highly skilled experts are always on hand to assist you and ensure that your needs are fulfilled. Our 24/7 service sets us apart. We are here for you every day, all the day, every single day.
AGEM har en række kryogene cylindre, der kan rumme typisk brugte superkølede gasser og væsker som flydende oxygen, argon, kuldioxid, nitrogen og dinitrogenoxid. Vi bruger importerede ventiler og udstyr til at sikre høj ydeevne. Gør brug af gasbesparende anordninger og prioriter brugen af højtryksgas i gasfaserummet. Dobbelt sikkerhedsventil giver sikkerhed og pålidelighed for sikker drift. Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af kryogene cylindre til væsker, der er superkølede og findes i daglig brug. Fuld volumen: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L/500L/1000LArbejdstryk: 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaDen indre tankdesigntemperatur er -196+Shell-design: VaCIoC: VaCIoC; med Multi-layer WrappedMedium til opbevaring: LNG, LO50, LArLCO20,