Step right up and enter the wonderful world of medical-grade xenon gas! AGEM is quick to choose and provide high quality, cost-effective Medical Xenon Gas. If you use this wonderful gas, it can be the perfect answer for all your medicinal needs. So, what is medical-grade xenon gas, and why does it matter in medicine?
Medical-grade xenon gas is a rare colorless, odorless noble gas. It is also believed to be safe for use in medical applications. This gas is vital for activities like medical imaging and anesthesia, two crucial actions where doctors can help patients. One of the medicinsk gasleverandør reasons this gas is so important, is that it is extremely rare and has some very special properties which make it uniquely suited in medical situations.
One of the largest advantages of medical-grade Xenon gas is that it has benefits on imaging techniques used by doctors, eg MRI scans. MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a test your doctor can use to see inside of your body and learn what body tissues look like. One of the best contrast agents used in hyperpolarized media is xenon gas. This medicinske gasser facilitates better visualization of the various tissues or structures available to doctors. It helps doctors identify medical issues more easily and administer more accurate solutions.
Aside from this image-boosting, medical-grade xenon gas also have the potential to help sick people feel less pain during medical procedures. Patients inhale xenon gas, allowing the powerful agent to act as an analgesic while also increasing pain relief feelings. This AGEM is especially critical when it comes to getting surgeries or other medical procedures done. As one would expect, another advantage of xenon gas is that it is neither flammable nor explosive, so it can be efficiently and safely used in anesthesia.
If you are a medical professional that would like to directly improve your imaging or if you are a patient looking for safe and effective pain relief alternatives, use medical-grade xenon gas! Here at AGEM we are excited to bring this highly-needed gas to the acetylengas modern market at affordable cost and open access for the utility it promises.
We also pride ourselves on being affordable so that both health professionals and patients can obtain this ammoniakgas life saving gas regardless of their budget. Not to mention that with our shipping options — speedy and reliable as ever — you'll get the medical-grade xenon gas in the perfect amount exactly when you need it.
We take proper measures to package and ship our premium xenon gas safely and effectively. We also provide a range of shipping options for your convenience. Whether your procedure is one of emergency surgery during the kalibreringsgasblanding middle of the night, or a matter-of-fact, everyday use in routine medical practice, ensures all of our customers are able to have critical access to such an important material as medical-grade xenon gas.
AGEM forstår, at forskellige kunder har deres egne krav med hensyn til specielle gasser såsom kalibreringsgasser. Vi kan levere skræddersyede løsninger, der opfylder vores kunders særlige krav. Når du har brug for en vis renhedsgrad, cylinderstørrelse eller emballagevalg, kan AGEM samarbejde med kunder om at tilpasse deres produkter til netop dine behov. Denne grad af tilpasning vil sikre, at du modtager den bedst egnede kalibreringsgas og cylindre til dine specifikke behov, hvilket øger den samlede effektivitet og ydeevne. AGEM leverer en række produkter, ikke kun kalibreringsgasser. AGEM's katalog indeholder kulbrintegasser kemiske gasser, halocarboner og sjældne gasser. Du kan være sikker på, at AGEM leverer den nøjagtige type gas, du har brug for.
AGEM har været i drift i Taiwan i mere end 25 år. Vi har en omfattende F & U-ekspertise inden for dette område og er i stand til at tilbyde en særskilt ekspertise inden for specialbulk, kalibreringsgasser på tværs af 6 forskellige regioner.Taiwan - Kaohsiung City (hovedkvarter, R & D Center) Indien - Mumbai, Vadodara , Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, DelhiKina - Wuhan Mellemøsten - Dubai (UAE) & Kongeriget Saudi-ArabienStorbritannien - CambridgeOur gasløsninger består af teknisk rådgivning, montage og idriftsættelse, prøveafprøvning, emballering og forsendelse, tegningsdesign, fremstilling.
For Medical xenon gas for sale leaks in gas are one of the most important issues, which is why we conduct the leak test at least five times in order to guarantee the quality. Our company is equipped with a full production and testing line with strict quality control, along with a flawless after-sales support system to ensure that our customers receive top-quality products and the full range of services. Our commitment to quality and customer service is something we are proud of. Our highly skilled professionals are always ready to assist you, and will ensure that all your needs are met. What makes us different is our 24X7 hours available service. We are available to assist you around the clock and every day of the week.
AGEM tilbyder en bred vifte af kryogene cylindre til at køle superkølende væsker og gasser som flydende oxygen og argon. De kan også indeholde kuldioxid, nitrogen og nitrogen. Vi bruger importerede ventiler og instrumenter for at sikre maksimal ydeevne. Gør brug af gasbesparende anordninger og prioriter brugen af overtryksgas i gasfaserummet. Dobbelte sikkerhedsventiler giver solid sikkerhed for sikker drift. Vi tilbyder en bred vifte af kryogene cylindre, der kan rumme væsker, der er superafkølede og bruges i dagligdagen. Fuld volumen: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L/ 500L/1000L Arbejdstryk: 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaIndre tankdesigntemperatur: +196Shell Tankdesigntemperatur: 20oC+50oCIsolering: Vakuum med flerlagsindpakket Lagret medium: LO2, LN2, LArLCO2, LNG