The liquid dewar is a fascinating specialty container that was developed to store extremely cold liquids like nitrogen or oxygen. The structure of the liquid dewar is characterized by two layers, an inner and outer layer with a vacuum between them. The space is vacuum- it contains no air - insulation the liquid from frigid conditions.
The obtained liquid dewar feature allows it to retain a constant low temperature which is one of the most important requirements...astronomy, etc. If you are trying to freeze something very quickly, e.g. a cell, it must be done at a way lower temperature because of how much damage can occur during the process. It is slightly more efficient at this task, capable of holding ultra-low temperatures (down to -320 degrees Fahrenheit!) as a liquid dewar. for long periods of time, without any variation.
Another interesting feature of a liquid dewar is that it can hold the cold for longer periods without relying on electrical or external energy sources. That is because it can insulate things so well you will not see a rise in temperature, thus guaranteeing the safety of whatever Is being stored.
These liquid dewars have a wide range of applications and are widely used in various industries. In the field of medicine, it is used as a repository for stem cells and vaccines which need to be maintained in cold conditions at all times or they will spoil. Its efficiency is based on its self-sufficiency in maintaining low temperatures over extended durations.
In industry, it is a liquid dewar critical to the production of semiconductors and those teeny-tiny chips that make our computer worlds go around. That means making the chips in conditions thousands of times colder, something a liquid dewar can provide extremely well for accurate temperature control.
Academic research and the like are continuously done to improve functionality of liquid dewar. Really, the first serif broadens as well and - there are plenty of other areas in which Russ(01) deserves slashing (enhancing readability might suffer through occupying a little more space), but this is one important trend.
Finally, but probably most importantly - maintenance of the dewar. This includes regular cleaning, seal control and damage checking. By maintaining careful care habits, the liquid dewar will last a long time and provide an important resource to benefit various research or industrial applications.
AGEM leverer en række kryogene cylindre, som kan håndtere almindelige superkølede væsker og gasser som flydende oxygen, argon kuldioxid, nitrogen og dinitrogenoxid. Vi anvender importerede ventiler og udstyr for at sikre topydelse. Der anvendes gasbesparende anordninger, og gasovertryksgas prioriteres inden for gasfaseområdet. Dobbelt sikkerhedsventil giver solid sikkerhed for sikker drift. Vi har en række kryogene cylindre, som kan rumme almindelige superkølede væsker: Fuld volumen: 80L/100L/175L/195L/210L/232L/410L/500L/1000L Arbejdstryk: 1.37MPa/2.3MPa/2.88MPa/3.45MPaDen indre tankdesigntemperatur: (-196Shell Tankdesigntemperatur: 50oC+20oCIsolering: Flerlags indpakket vakuumisolering Lagret medium: LO2, LN2, LANG, LCO2, LCOXNUMX
AGEM er klar over, at enhver kunde har unikke krav inden for specialgasser, såsom kalibreringsgasser. Derfor tilbyder vi skræddersyede løsninger, der opfylder vores kunders specifikke krav. Hvis du har brug for en bestemt renhedsgrad, cylinderstørrelse eller en emballagemulighed, kan AGEM samarbejde med kunder om at skræddersy deres produkter, så de opfylder dine specifikke krav. Denne form for tilpasning garanterer dig de bedst egnede gasflasker til at kalibrere din specifikke applikation, hvilket øger den samlede effektivitet og ydeevne. AGEMs produktsortiment er ikke begrænset til kalibreringsgasser. AGEM's katalog omfatter kulbrintegasser, halogencarboner, kemiske gasser og sjældne gasser. Du kan være sikker på, at AGEM har den gas, du har brug for.
AGEM har været i drift i Taiwan i mere end 25 år. Vi har en omfattende F & U-ekspertise inden for dette område og er i stand til at tilbyde en særskilt ekspertise inden for specialbulk, kalibreringsgasser på tværs af 6 forskellige regioner.Taiwan - Kaohsiung City (hovedkvarter, R & D Center) Indien - Mumbai, Vadodara , Coimbatore, Pune, Bengaluru, DelhiKina - Wuhan Mellemøsten - Dubai (UAE) & Kongeriget Saudi-ArabienStorbritannien - CambridgeOur gasløsninger består af teknisk rådgivning, montage og idriftsættelse, prøveafprøvning, emballering og forsendelse, tegningsdesign, fremstilling.
Leaks of liquid dewar is an extremely serious issue. We check for leaks over five times in order to guarantee quality. We have a complete production line with a strict quality control along with a set of after-sales support. This ensures that our clients receive top quality products. We pride ourselves on our dedication to high-quality and excellent customer service. Our team of highly skilled professionals are always available to assist you and ensure that your requirements are taken care of. What sets us apart is our 24-hour, 7-day a week service. We're here to assist you around the clock all days of the week.