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Průmyslová čistota 99.9 % NH3 bezvodý amoniak kapalné hnojivo NH3 Česká republika

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Popis produktů
Ammonia Ammonia is naturally occurring and can be produced by human activities. Ammonia is used in detergents used as fertilizers for plants. Ammonia does not remain in the environment for long periods of time, nor does it accumulate in the food chain. Everyone is exposed to the environment naturally produced in the air, food. Low concentrations of ammonia in water and soil. Before using ammonia-based cleaners, make sure you have good ventilation and wear the correct clothing, and never store cleaners in containers where children may be interested. Ammonia levels can be measured in blood and urine. These tests cannot directly detect whether you have been exposed to ammonia. OSHA has set an 8-hour acceptable exposure of 25ppm. The focus of this article 【Ammonia (Ammonia), CAS # 7664-41-7】, has been found everywhere in the air, soil and water in the environment, even including plants. animals and humans. Exposure to high concentrations of ammonia can cause irritation and burns of the skin, mouth, throat, lungs and eyes. Can cause death at very high concentrations of ammonia. 1. What is Ammonia? Ammonia is naturally occurring and can be produced by human activities. Ammonia is an important source of nitrogen necessary for plants and animals. Bacteria found in the gut can produce ammonia. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a distinct odour. The smell is familiar to many people because ammonia is used in smelling salts, many household and industrial cleaners and window cleaners. Ammonia gas can dissolve in water, and this ammonia is called liquid ammonia or ammonia water. Once exposed to open air, liquid ammonia turns into a gas. Ammonia is applied directly to the soil in agricultural fields and is used as a fertilizer for crops, lawns and plants in agricultural fields. Many household and industrial cleaners contain ammonia. 2. How does ammonia enter the environment? Ammonia is found ubiquitously in the environment in air, water, soil, animals, and plants. Ammonia does not remain in the environment for a long time, it is immediately used by plants, bacteria and animals. Ammonia does not accumulate in the food chain, but ammonia is an essential nutrient for plants and bacteria. 3. Under what circumstances would I be exposed to ammonia? Everyone is exposed to the environment naturally produced in the air, food. Low concentrations of ammonia in water and soil. You may be exposed to high levels of ammonia by using ammonia-based cleaning products. If you use ammonia-containing fertilizers or live near agricultural fields that use ammonia-based fertilizers, you may be exposed to high levels of ammonia. If you enter an airtight building that contains many animals (especially farm animals), you may be exposed to very high levels of ammonia.
Purity 99.9% NH3 Liquid Ammonia Refrigerant R717

jméno výrobku
Tekutý amoniak
CAS č.
editaci videa
Hnojivo, chlazení
Číslo OSN
Molární hmotnost
bezbarvý plyn
Silný štiplavý zápach

Certificate of Analysis of R717 ammonia:
generátory dusíku
oxid uhličitý
≤ 1 
kysličník uhelnatý
≤ 2
≤ 2
Vlhkost (H2O)
≤ 5
Celková nečistota
≤ 10
editaci videa
typické použití
Antimikrobiální činidlo pro potravinářské výrobky:
Anhydrous ammonia is currently used commercially to reduce or eliminate microbial contamination of beef
Amoniak pro domácnost je roztok NH3 ve vodě, který se používá jako univerzální čistič pro mnoho povrchů
Manufacture of hydroxylamine
Solutions of ammonia ranging from 16% to 25% are used in the fermentation industry as a source of nitrogen for microorganisms and
to adjust pH during fermentation
Globally, approximately 88% of ammonia is used as fertilizers either as its salts, solutions or anhydrously. When applied to soil,
it helps provide increased yields of crops such as maize and wheat
Prekurzory dusíkatých sloučenin:
either as its salts, solutions or anhydrously. When applied to soil, it helps provide increased yields of crops such as maize and wheat
Výroba hedvábí
Propylene and dimethyl ether preservation
Balení a dodávky
Velikost balíčku:
50 litrový válec
400 litrový válec
800 litrový válec
Filling Net Weight/Cyl:
QTY Loaded in 20'Container :
220 ks
25 ks
17 ks
Celková čistá hmotnost:
Tuny 5.5
Tuny 5
Tuny 6.8
Cylinder Tare Weight:
QF-11 / CGA705
Nejčastější dotazy
1. What is the MOQ?
A: Z jednoho válce
2. What is the delivery time?
Odpověď: 7-10 dní Exwork poté, co obdržíme zálohu, poté, co si objednáme lodní nebo leteckou dopravu, můžeme znát celkový čas na dodání do země zákazníka.

3. How do check the gas quality?
Odpověď: Nejprve náš tým provede ošetření lahví (čištění, sušení, vysávání, čerpání a výměna před plněním plynu do
ujistěte se, že je válec uvnitř čistý a suchý)
Za druhé, znovu otestujeme ošetřené válce, abychom se ujistili, že válec uvnitř je čistý a suchý.
Za třetí, analyzujeme plyn po naplnění do lahví a poskytneme COA (Certificate of Analysis)

4. Does all cylinders can be recyclable?
Odpověď: Obvykle je životnost bezešvých ocelových lahví více než 20 let, jednorázové lahve lze použít pouze jednou.

5. Can we send cylinders back to China and refill the gas?
Odpověď: Ano, když vaší společnosti dojde plyn, můžete poslat zpět prázdné lahve a doplnit plyn. Stačí nás informovat před exportem, my se postaráme o celní odbavení lahví v Číně.
6. Cylinders and Valve standard Available

7. Can I do LCL with my other common cargo?
Odpověď: Naše produkty patří do 2.2 úrovně DG cargo a měly by být zasílány s DG cargo, pokud je odesíláno jako běžný náklad, je to nezákonné, měli bychom objednat DG cargo od přepravní společnosti, pokud máte jiné běžné produkty, můžete je vložit do nákladu a poslat jako náklad DG.
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